Tuesday, March 24, 2009


(1) Every employer shall make suitable arrangements in his workshop for imparting a course of practical training to every apprentice engaged by him in accordance with the programme approved by the Apprenticeship Adviser.

(2) The Central Apprenticeship adviser or any other person not below the rank of an Assistant Apprenticeship Adviser authorised by the Central Apprenticeship Adviser in writing in this behalf shall be given all reasonable facilities for access to each such apprentice with a view to test his work and to ensure that the practical training is being imparted in accordance with the approved programme :

Provided that the State Apprenticeship Adviser or any other person not below the rank of an Assistant. Apprenticeship Adviser authorised by the State Apprenticeship Adviser in writing in this behalf shall also be given such facilities in respect of apprentices undergoing training in establishments in relation to which the appropriate Government is the State Government.

(3) Such of the trade apprentices as have not undergone institutional training in a school or other institution recognised by the National Council or any other institution affiliated to or recognized by a Board or State Council of Technical Education or any other authority which the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf, shall, before admission in the workshop for practical training, undergo a course of basic training.

(4) Where an employer employs in his establishment five hundred or more workers, the basic training shall be imparted to the trade apprentices either in separate parts of the workshop building or in a separate building which shall be set up by the employer himself, but the appropriate Government may grant loans to the employer on easy terms and repayable by easy installments to meet the cost of the land, construction and equipment for such separate building.

(4A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (4), if the number of apprentices to be trained at any time in any establishment in which five hundred or more workers are employed, is less than twelve the employer in relation to such establishment may depute all or any of such apprentices to any Basic Training Center or Industrial Training Institute for basic training in any designated trade, in either case, run by the Government.

(4B) Where an employer deputes any apprentice under sub-section (4A), such employer shall pay to the Government the expenses incurred by the Government on such training, at such rate as may be specified by the Central Government.

(5) Where an employer employs in his establishment less than five hundred workers, the basic training shall be imparted to the trade apprentices in training institutes set up by the Government.

(6) In any such training institute, which shall be located within the premises of the most suitable establishment in the locality or at any other convenient place, the trade apprentices engaged by two or more employers may be imparted basic training.

(7) In the case of an apprentice other than a graduate or technician apprentice, technician (vocational) apprentice the syllabus of and the equipment to be utilised for practical training including basic training shall be such as may be approved by the Central Government in consultation with the Central Apprenticeship Council.

(7A) In the case of graduate or technician apprentices, technician (vocational) apprentices the programme of apprenticeship training and the facilities required for such training in any subject field in engineering or technology or vocational course shall be such as may be approved by the Central Government in consultation with the Central Apprenticeship Council.

(8)(a) Recurring costs (including the cost of stipends) incurred by an employer in connection with basic training, imparted to trade apprentices other than those referred to in clauses (a) and (aa) of section 6 shall be borne - (i) if such employer employs two hundred and fifty workers or more, by the employer; (ii) if such employer employs less than two hundred and fifty workers, by the employer and the Government in equal shares up to such limit as may be laid down by the Central Government and beyond that limit, by the employer alone; and

(b) Recurring costs (including the cost of stipends), if any, incurred by an employer in connection with practical training, including basic training, imparted to trade apprentices referred to in clauses (a) and (aa) of section 6 shall, in every case, be borne by the employer.

(c) Recurring costs (excluding the cost of stipends) incurred by an employer in connection with the practical training imparted to graduate or technician apprentices, technician (vocational) apprentices shall be borne by the employer and the cost of stipends shall be borne by the Central Government and the employer in equal shares up to such limit as may be laid down by the Central Government and beyond that limit, by the employer alone.

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